Faith Over Fear.
Sermon based on Matthew 6:13, the final verse from the Lord's Prayer:
"And do not bring us to the time of trial,
but rescue us from the evil one."
Discusses ideas of Truth and Temptation, and how most of the time we are tempted to ignore the Truth of the Gospels. We tend to be tempted by Effectiveness, Appearances, and Mammon. These are the three areas Satan tempts Jesus as well, in the Gospel of Matthew.
Teaches us that Forgiveness happens when we are willing to appear weak. Forgiveness happens when we are willing to look wrong. Forgiveness happens when we can let go of resentment.
Teaches us that our greatest temptation is that we follow our EGO: Edging God Out, instead of following God and God's teachings in the Gospels. Compares the temptation of Adam and Eve in Genesis with the temptations of Christ.
Additional scripture references: Genesis 3:1-5; Matthew 26:40-41; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 2:17-18; James 1:13-15. Secondary sources include writings by Earl F Palmer, Romano Guardini, NT Wright, Karl Barth, and Thomas A Kempis.