The Gift of Forgiveness.

Sermon based on Matthew 6:12, from the Lord's Prayer:

"And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors."

Discusses how in most Western languages, there is a "gift" given in the concept of for-give-ness. For-give in English. Ver-geben in German. Par-don in French. That The Gift given in forgiving is Grace.

Teaches us that Forgiveness happens when we are willing to appear weak. Forgiveness happens when we are willing to look wrong. Forgiveness happens when we can let go of resentment.

Teaches us about the Greek concept of Aphiēmi (ἀφίημι): forgive; cancel a debt; release from captivity; divorce a spouse; “let go.”

Additional scripture references: Luke 6:37-38; Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 25:40; Ephesians 4:26-27, 31-32. Secondary sources include writings by CS Lewis, Richard Holloway, Philip Graham Ryken, Dorothy L Sayers, and Horace Bushnell.


What We Need.


Faith Over Fear.